Code of Conduct

Ethical standard for Bremnes Seashore Group

A message from our CEO

Our Code of Conduct is the ethical standard of the Bremnes Seashore group, guiding how we should conduct ourselves in our everyday work. The standard helps us to ensure that we make good and right choices that align with our values: Development, credibility, and joy of work.

A message from our CEO

Our Code of Conduct is the ethical standard of the Bremnes Seashore group, guiding how we should conduct ourselves in our everyday work. The standard helps us to ensure that we make good and right choices that align with our values: Development, credibility, and joy of work.
Linda Aase Low

Linda L. AaseCEO, Bremnes Seashore Group

Our ethical principles

The Bremnes Seashore Group’s Code of Conduct describes what is expected of each individual, and the Group as a whole, when we interact with each other and our stakeholders. Here are our four ethical principles:

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Trust is something we earn – every day. We are open, reliable and act with integrity and to a high ethical standard. We have a long-term perspective and avoid taking shortcuts to reach the company’s goals.

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We speak out if we discover that the company’s ethical standards are being breached. We contribute to an open and learning organisation by suggesting improvements and reporting safety violations and non-conformances.

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We always comply with the laws, regulations and internal procedures that apply to our work.

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We demonstrate collegiality by taking responsibility in the working environment and raising ethical issues in the department.

What is a code of conduct?

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The Seashore Group’s Code of Conduct describes what is expected of each individual, and the Group as a whole, when we interact with each other and our stakeholders.

Code of Conduct for our business associates

We have clear expectations of our business associates’ ethical standards. This applies to everyone whom the Bremnes Seashore group does business with.

Report according to the Transparency Act

The Norwegian Transparency Act has placed due diligence assessments as a method on the agenda. Our first overview of due diligence assessments in Bremnes Seashore was completed in June 2024 (in Norwegian).

Reporting ethical concerns (whistleblowing)

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If we become aware of a breach or potential breach of the Seashore Group’s Code of Conduct or applicable legislation, we must report this through the Group’s whistleblowing channel as soon as possible. If we are uncertain, we must still report the matter.
We will act with decency and respect for others
Our ethical principles
What is a code of conduct?
Reporting ethical concerns (whistleblowing)